Make Instagram Content that Makes


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This program will teach you how to: 

 1️⃣ Create an offer that’s easy for your audience to say yes to

 2️⃣ Market it successfully on Instagram 

 3️⃣ Make A LOT of money WITHOUT burning out

You know it's possible to build a thriving coaching or service business. 

You see and know people who are doing it every day. 


 But you procrastinate creating content 

It's the task on your to-do list that feels like a burden

It feels like a time suck

or a waste of time altogether

You feel pressure to say all the right things

but you don't know what to say

and after all that,

you're still not making the sales you need to make the stuff on your vision board happen. 

What if you could . . . 

✅ Finally master a content creation strategy that *really* does result in sales
✅ Stop posting like you’re casting a line into the water, hoping a client bites - and instead, learn how to get them coming to *you,* knocking on your door, asking how to work with you
✅ Create content in a way that it feels like a creative release for you, and a warm loving hug for the people in your audience
✅ Confidently close your laptop and be present in mind + body with your loved ones instead of constantly feeling like you should be doing something “productive”
✅ KILL IT with your sales, and still be there for school pickup, games, and dance recitals.

6-Month Marketing Mastery

That’s what I’m going to teach you to do in


Master the art and science of strategic Instagram marketing so you can sign clients, sell programs, and make money with ease.

Sign Up Now

6-Month Marketing Mastery

Coaching and service based businesses are the ultimate freedom-based businesses.

(I ran a product business that made multi 6-figures per year, scaled it, outsourced most of it, and even after all of that, it was still a really challenging business. I can confidently say that coaching + service businesses are where it’s at.)

Tell me any other business where you can very realistically make $100,000+

Just by posting on Instagram

Creating offers that make womens’ lives better

Working part time with a schedule that lets you take naps in the middle of the day and be there when your kids come home from school

With 0 employees

Doing work you ADORE

This opportunity is a crazy, beautiful MIRACLE.



You’ve seen other people doing it so you know that it’s possible

You just don’t know how to make it happen

But I do. Let me show you how.

Hi, I'm Kaelynn

I built three 6-figure businesses before I turned 30.


Each business was different

(a product business, an Etsy course business, a coaching business)

But the one thing that made all of them work was the method I use to market to and sell my offers,

and I realized that method was the secret to my success.

So I decided to stop teaching how to hack Etsy’s SEO

And started teaching women how to leverage their personal brand to make sales on Instagram.

6-Month Marketing Mastery



Master the art and science of strategic Instagram marketing so you can sign clients, sell programs, and make money with ease.

6-Month Marketing Mastery

When you join The Greenhouse, you will:

✅ Learn Kaelynn’s Rooted Marketing Method and apply it to your business
✅ Receive live coaching and trainings from Kaelynn every week
✅ Get access to templates that make it easier than ever to create beautiful, branded sales content in minutes
✅ Join a community of supportive, like-minded women who “get it.”

The Rooted Marketing Method


Just as a seed holds the promise of growth and new life, a well-crafted offer will that resonate deeply and create meaningful impact with the women you want to serve.


Rooted in deep self-assurance and divine guidance, we’ll write messaging that is carefully crafted to reflect your unique personality and make women want to say yes to working with you.

Personal Branding: 

Anchor all of your marketing with imagery, colors, textures and fonts, and communicate the feeling of what it’s like to work with you without saying a word. 

Content Strategy: 

Plan and organize all of the types of content that will help a woman build desire to say yes, and then make a clear decision. 

Inner Work:

Create a solid internal foundation that supports your external marketing efforts and allows your true self to shine through.

I’m starting a movement

for women who want to make A LOT of money

from their coaching or service business

but not at the expense of what matters most:
  • Your faith in God
  •  Your relationship with your husband
  •  Your motherhood experience
  • Your time with your kids
  • Your health
  • Your sanity

If you want to hustle your way to six figures,
this is not the place for you. 

 But if you want beautiful, sustainable business growth,
you'll find a home here.

God wants more women to 

The Greenhouse is for you if you want to . . . 

✅ enjoy a lifestyle business where you have strong boundaries around when you work and don’t work so you can still watch Netflix at night with your husband
✅ create a cash injection any time (just like turning on a faucet) by selling mini offers, groups or programs any time you want
✅ establish recurring revenue that creates a “floor” that your income never drops below so you don’t have to stress about drumming up more sales or your revenue dipping next month 
✅ make enough money to fund those big things on your vision board

Creating content that influences people
to move, act, or buy
a science and an art

The Science of IG Marketing

✅ In: Taking your audience through a journey that builds their desire to say yes

❌ Out: Posting just to check the "consistency" box

✅ In: Creating genuine relationships where they want to comment + DM

❌ Out: Aiming to create "engagement"

✅ In: Using meaningful, strategic messaging

Out: Copying and pasting generic hooks

The Art of IG Marketing

✅ In: Writing messaging like a love note to your audience

❌ Out: Writing messaging trying to convince someone to buy something


✅ In: Using varied visual imagery in your branding to make your audience FEEL something

❌ Out: Trying to get their attention with words only


✅ In: Deciding the marketing you've done is enough, and putting your phone away with confidence

Out: Checking your phone every 25 seconds



Kristen - Live Event Strategist + Coach

"Within the first month of The Greenhouse, I closed a $10K client and went on to have the best month in my business ever. I got multiple messages from people recognizing that my business was changing in all the best ways. It was a tangible difference in not only the way I showed up but the way I talked about my offers."


Brittney - Blended Family Coach

"I joined the Greenhouse to get Kaelynn's voice in my head, but I walked away feeling empowered with my messaging and with how to make my sales page. I have a membership now! I can't even believe it's real."


Seila - Email Marketing Coach

"[The Greenhouse] really seems like such a small investment now that I know what it's like. I just can't believe that I have learned so much and I've implemented so much--not just to my business, but to my clients. To think that it's only $97 per month totally blows my mind."


Kendra - Graphic Designer

"You launched the Greenhouse and I was like, 'that's where I need to be. That's where my ladies are.' 

It's like the perfect group of women who are business minded and driven but also we all want to focus on our kids and our marriage and God. We're not going to miss a birthday party to work on our businesses."

How It Works

Plant the Seed

Get crystal clear on what you want,what action steps to take, and what to leave up to God

Nourish and Grow

Participate in weekly coaching sessions to get my feedback on your business


Watch sales roll in faster and with more ease than you thought could be possible

This is what you get inside The Greenhouse

The Rooted Marketing Method

Learn Kaelynn’s exact method to crafting and marketing compelling offers so you can create sales from your Instagram Marketing with ease

 Template Vault

Get instant access to templates like

  • Selling With Stories - 10 story sequences to make writing your messaing a sinch
  • Irresistible Messaging Workbook - Follow the prompts to squeeze the juiciest messaging from your mind
  • 30 Day Launch Content Calendar - your content creating for launches just got 100x easier. Follow this week-by-week guide for the weeks leading up to your launch 
  •  And more!

 Weekly Group Coaching

I go live every Thursday at 11am MDT for open and hot seat coaching support. Many women tell me the insights they gain from these calls is worth the entire value of the program and more

 Monthly Live Teaching

Every month, you'll enjoy a bonus teaching from me or one of my guests who are the best in the industry

 Private Community Access

Hosted in a private FB group, you'll have access to a community of like-minded, faithful female business owners. I'll be dropping homework assignments, opportunities to network, and more

 Bonuses & Gifts

Everyone who joins The Greenhouse will get our signature pink "Expect Miracles" sweatshirt gift. I'll be dropping other bonuses occasionally like free tickets to live events, swag, digital  workbooks, and more.

More Sales

More Peace

More Joy + Fulfillment

Ready to join the movement?

Join The Greenhouse today

$97 per month for 6 months

6-month Marketing Mastery

Enjoy 6 months of access to: 

✅ The Rooted Marketing Method Curriculum

✅ Template Vault

✅ Weekly Coaching Support Calls Every Thursday at 11am MDT

✅ Monthly Live Teachings by Kaelynn or other top of the industry guests

✅ Private Facebook Group Access

✅ Gifts + bonuses (including our signature pink "Expect Miracles" sweatshirt) 

Sign Up Now